Ploughing Match Classes
The Sir Richard Haddon Supreme Challenge Cup
For the champion ploughman who lives within, or is based within, or who works regularly within the limits of the Association (15 mile radius from Maidenhead Town Hall).
Rycroft Challenge Cup
For the overall champion ploughman on the day
The Reading Mercury Challenge Cup
For the winner of Class 1 (Horse ploughing)
The R H Muir Challenge Cup
For the winner of Class 3 (Vintage trailed ploughing)
The Barrie Woolford Challenge Rose Bowl
For the winner of Class 4 (Open conventional match ploughing)
The Headland Challenge Cup
For the winner of Class 5 (Conventional ploughing 2 and 3 furrows)
The Mrs B W Rycroft Challenge Cup
For the winner of Class 6 (Conventional ploughing 4+ furrows)
The Potter Bros Perpetual Challenge Cup
For the winner of Class 7 (Reversible ploughing 2, 3 and 4 furrows)
The Covent Garden Challenge Cup
For the winner of Class 8 (Reversible ploughing 5 furrows)
The Heelas Challenge Cup
For the winner of Class 9 (Reversible ploughing 6+ furrows)
The Strutt & Parker Challenge Cup
For the best finish on the field on the day
The A N Dixon Challenge Cup
For the best work done by a Grey Ferguson & Ferguson plough
The British Anzani Challenge Cup
For the best young ploughman under 30
The Marshall Robberts Cup
For the best work done by a member of Windsor and Maidenhead young farmers
Class 1: Horse ploughs
For horse-drawn ploughs
Class 2: High cut ploughing
For high cut ploughs with 2 or more furrows
Class 3: Vintage trailed ploughing
For trailed ploughs manufactured pre-1976
Class 4: Open conventional match ploughing
For any type of 2 or 3 furrow conventional plough
Class 5: Conventional ploughing 2 and 3 furrows
For 2 and 3 furrow conventional ploughs that are not match ploughs nor have been modified or adapted for match ploughing.
Class 6: Conventional ploughing 4+ furrows
For conventional ploughs with 4 or more furrows .
Class 7: Reversible ploughing 2, 3 and 4 furrows
For 2, 3 and 4 furrow reversible ploughs
Class 8: Reversible ploughing 5 furrows
For 5 furrow reversible ploughs
Class 9: Reversible ploughing 6+ furrows
For reversible ploughs with 6 or more furrows
Tractor Maintenance Classes
Class 10: Tractor Maintenance 2013-1992
For the best kept working tractor competing in the match
Class 11: Tractor Maintenance 1991-1976
For the best kept classic tractor competing in the match
Class 10: Tractor Maintenance pre-1976
For the best kept vintage tractor competing in the match
Class 13: Dick Wilder Award
For any piece of machinery built or adapted in the farm workshop
Prize Money for all ploughing classes: 1st – £30, 2nd – £20, 3rd – £10