
2019 Ploughing Match & Show

166th Annual Ploughing Match and Show

The 2019 Show was held at Stubbings Farm, Burchetts Green by kind permission of our President, Colin Rayner, and his family.

Unfortunately due to torrential rain in the days before the show and on the day, the ground was too wet for the tractor ploughing to go ahead. However the horses were able to plough and we had five horse teams which entertained us through the morning and are always a favourite for visitors to watch. Thanks to them for turning up on such a wet day and sticking valiantly to their task in spite of the wet conditions.

Our corporate sponsors are vital to maintaining our show and a special thanks to those who supported us and who brought along their trade stands.

Visitors were treated to a wonderful display of falconry and were able to experience the fascinating world of metal detecting with some interesting finds on display.

The annual dog show was also a highlight of the day and the dogs didn’t seem to mind the rain a bit. It was good to see so many dog owners and their pets supporting what has become an important local event.

We were fortunate to have a visit during the morning by Theresa May, MP for Maidenhead. She looked quite at home in her welly boots as she made her way around the show attractions, and paid special attention to the show of exhibits in the domestic produce section. HM Lord-Lieutenant of the Royal County of Berkshire, Mr James Puxley, also visited the show with his wife.

Delicious lunches provided by Isobel Connell, hearty snacks from Fernygrove Farm Shop and teas in aid of charity all sustained us through the day. An auction of fruit and vegetables supplied by local producers, and domestic entries donated by exhibitors, was well supported and helped to raise over £1000 to towards a donation to Thames Hospice, our President’s chosen charity. Another great fund-raiser, new to the show this year, was a tombola very successfully run by Sybil Avann.

Thanks to everyone who helped to put on the show, to the local residents in Burchetts Green for their patience and understanding, and to all our members and visitors who braved the weather to make the event a remarkable success.

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© Royal East Berkshire Agricultural Association 2024